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The Images (Hexagrams) of the I Ching Oracle in Psychic Readings

Psychic Readings from The Psychic Internet often feature images drawn from the I Ching Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles.

For general information on the I Ching Oracle, click here.

The abstract images of the I Ching Oracle (usually called "hexagrams") symbolize all of the related and interacting aspects of reality. In the following excerpts from actual Psychic Readings, the images of the I Ching are discussed.

Click here for links to all of the images.

Pushing Upward

The image of Oppression changes in today’s Reading into the image of Pushing Upward. This tells you that you WILL succeed in moving onward and upward from the place of suffering in which you have been mired for so long. In one of the verses associated with this image, the oracle says, “The king offers him Mount Ch’i. Good fortune. No blame.” Mount Ch’i was the sacred home of the ancestors in Chinese lore. It was the highest conceivable honor to be granted a place on Mount Ch’i. Persevere, then, through this time of pain, doubt, and uncertainty. You cannot fail to transcend these trials, and come ultimately to a sublime success. In the process you will honor the best qualities within you, and those qualities will be recognized by others as well.

More on Pushing Upward

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