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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The World

All of the diverse forces and powers described in the various images of the Tarot Oracle come together in culmination in the image of The World. Here, we see the achievement of the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, which is perfect happiness and fulfillment. The image recalls Plato's apotheosis of the good, the true, and the beautiful. It is the pictorial equivalent of the last movement of Mozart's Jupiter Symphony, which brings together a vast array of musical elements in a harmonious perfection never imagined before, and never equaled since. When this image appears, expect to experience the highest degree of good fortune. The image of The World describes a time of flourishing abundance, joy, grace, blessing, satisfaction, contentment, healing, and wholeness.

The most welcome appearance of the image of World that we have seen occurred in a Reading for friend. A widow who had lost her husband at a very young age, she had subsequently raised her three children to adulthood, and had seen them marry and bear numerous grandchildren. Besides helping her family to succeed in every way, she had worked hard in secretarial positions, and had earned some good returns on real estate properties that she had acquired and sold through the years. Now, she was retiring, and feeling some unease about what she would do with herself. The appearance of the image of The World gave her an eloquent reply. It told her to enjoy to the fullest all of the good things in life, to travel and see wonderful places, to spend time with her children and grandchildren, to bask in the glory of a job well done. Life is not only about striving and going somewhere. It is also about arriving and being contented. The Tarot Oracle was raising a toast in her honor, and the image of The World promised her blessings upon blessings, with joy and fulfillment coming to her in every day, and in every way.

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