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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Six of Swords

The image of Six Swords portends travel, especially as it relates to moving away from danger or from any other kind of difficult situation. Possibly because it hints at something unwilling about the movement it describes, and because there is an aspect of necessity in its escape from danger, the image is imbued with a dark tinge of melancholy. In this regard, the image often evokes emotions that arise when we confront the need for change and reform in our lives. One can travel in the mind as well as in the body.

Yet, as many of us well know, travel can also serve as a way of avoiding change. The person who travels to escape from himself, discovers to his dismay that he has taken himself along for the journey. In this way, one of our clients had forsaken marriage and family, a secure and rewarding job, and the support of many friends, in a vain attempt to fill a spiritual emptiness that he clearly sensed in his habitual patterns of thought and feeling. Having taken himself on a series of foolish misadventures around the globe, and without finding anything of significance to satisfy his inner craving, he came to us asking what to do next. We drew the image of Six Swords in a reversed position for his Reading, and so encouraged him to consider returning to his original starting point, where we could see that family and friends were waiting still with love to welcome him and support him in a more rational quest for meaning and purpose in life.

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