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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Queen of Wands

Eleanor Roosevelt was the quintessential Queen of Wands. The wife of a President, she became a great humanitarian, and made an independent place for herself as a woman of the world, influencing and shaping events in her own right with almost unprecedented authority and efficacy. The Queen of Wands of the Tarot is described as strong and confident (but sometimes inflexible and domineering); creative and energetic (but tending to imprudent excesses and wastefulness); reliable and competent (but also driven and willful); cheerful, warm, and caring (but at times meddling and overly-protective). The appearance of the image of The Queen of Wands portends recognition and attainment in creative pursuits of all kinds; self-realization and the fulfillment of personal goals; success as a professional consultant or in a position of management; efficacy in any of the healing arts, in scientific discovery, and in scholarly projects; and happiness in relationships with people.

A client asked for insight with respect to his personal relationships. He had been frustrated and disappointed in a series of unsatisfactory experiences with women who did not seem to respond to his needs as an individual. We sensed that he had been looking in the wrong places for his destined mate in life. The appearance of the image of The Queen of Wands told us that there was a woman perfectly suited to him and with whom he would soon find perfect happiness and fulfillment in a lasting relationship. He would not be likely to meet her in a bar, or in the company of his party-going friends. Instead, we felt that he would find her in the course of following his own deeper interests in life. As it turned out, he met his beloved in a photography class that he attended at the local community college. Their first date was to hike and take pictures in the forest. It was practically love at first sight, and they are very happily married today.


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