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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Queen of Swords

Joan of Arc was the quintessential Queen of Swords. The national heroine of France, she led the French army in resistance to English domination during the Hundred Years War of the 15th century. The humble daughter of a tenant farmer, she proved to be an inspiring political leader with considerable military prowess. The Queen of Swords of the Tarot is described as highly astute and intelligent (but sometimes overly judgmental and peremptory in her dealing with people); courageous and forthright (but often too hasty and overly-confident); honest and possessed of an independent spirit (but at times emotionally detached, overly proud and aloof); a powerful leader of determined will (but not always cooperative and capable of compromise). The appearance of the image of The Queen of Swords portends recognition and attainment in positions of authority, advocacy, and leadership; success in intellectual and scientific pursuits; fulfillment in a life of struggle toward goals requiring independence and self-sufficiency.

One of our clients had become entangled in a relationship with an immature and alcoholic man who was showing less and less concern for her needs as time went on. Her tendencies as an individual were manifested by way of expressions of deep feeling and compassion. Her maternal instincts tended to draw into her orbit people who were irresponsible and lacking in personal determination. In our Reading, the image of The Queen of Swords advised her to cultivate other qualities in dealing with her situation: objectivity of judgment; strength of purpose in the pursuit of her own goals; a willingness to draw boundaries and demand that others respect them; and, above all, decisiveness. The promise of subsequent success that was implicit in this advice gave her the strength to admit that she was doing no favors for the man in question by coddling him in negative patterns of behavior. The future looked better for both of them as soon as she made a firm decision to end the relationship.


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