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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Queen of Pentacles

Queen Elizabeth I, who reigned gloriously over England from 1558 to 1603, was the quintessential Queen of Pentacles. With impeccable political savvy and shrewdness, plus undisputed courage and intelligence, she was able to surmount a host of intractable internal divisions, unifying the English nation in its mortal struggle with various foreign enemies. She provided for an unprecedented flowering of English culture, and set the stage for the ultimate global dominion of the English Empire. The Queen of Pentacles of the Tarot is described as bold and resourceful (but sometimes narrow-minded and scheming); highly practical and well-organized (but also overly materialistic and obsessive); extremely motivated, productive and hard-working (but often too goal-oriented and inflexible); worldly and elegant (but tending to superficiality and jaded impenetrability); trustworthy and reliable (but too often cold and uncaring). The appearance of the image of The Queen of Pentacles portends recognition and attainment in productive enterprises of all kinds; self-realization and fulfillment in worldly pursuits; success in business or in positions of corporate executive authority; financial independence and prosperity.

One of our clients found himself desperately in need of additional venture capital to support his new Internet services company. In our Reading, the appearance of the Queen of Pentacles pointed to the presence of a powerful and well-established businesswoman in his locale, and we sensed that he was already acquainted with her. We sensed that she was an executive in an unrelated business, that he had possibly worked for her at some time earlier in his career, and that she would be quite willing to invest in our client's company on the basis of her high opinion of his own intelligence and competence. Our client knew instantly who this person was. He contacted her, presented her with his business plan, and walked away from their meeting with a substantial infusion of new financial resources.


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