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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Queen of Cups

Mother Teresa was a very great Queen of Cups. Bearing a cup of love and compassion for the poorest of the poor, she was motivated by a profound spiritual faith that went beyond mere dogma to an essential imitation of Christ. Unlike the sartorially elegant bible-thumpers who build rich televangelical empires to broadcast their love for sinners, from whom they scrupulously separate themselves, Mother Teresa lived simply among the sick and homeless, holding them in her arms and comforting them in their last dying hours. The Queen of Cups of the Tarot is described as passionate, loving and maternal. She is often highly artistic and sensitive, capable of communion not only with her own subconscious depths, but also with the Mystery of Life and the Universe. The appearance of the image of The Queen of Cups portends success in all situations involving love and romance; in the pursuit of achievement in the arts, including the healing arts; and in all issues requiring deep psychological and spiritual comprehension.

The reversal of the image of The Queen of Cups appeared in one of our Overview Readings, for a client who had made a fairly substantial success in the world as a businesswoman. It was clear to us from this image that success in worldly pursuits was not sufficient to bring about a sense of true fulfillment in our client's life. We advised her that, in order to put her own inner Queen of Cups in her properly upright position, it would be necessary to reassess her direction in life. We suggested that she think back to recall the reasons behind her choice of a career in business. We asked her to remember if there were other interests and goals that she had been forced to forego as a result of her choice. We could see that our client was not facing an "either-or" issue. Being now comfortable and secure in her material condition, she would be able to open up to new potentials and prospects for fulfillment in less worldly pursuits.


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