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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Page of Wands

In the image of The Page of Wands, the path forward in life will be disclosed in the highly intense light of creative pursuits, for which one wants to have a keen enthusiasm, a passion for self-expression, a daring to be original, an optimistic confidence, and a courageous zest for adventure. You will need to be strong, but even more so, flexible and resilient. You will need to trust in the benevolent Nature of Things to complete the path of development that is described by this image. The Page of Wands signals the appearance on the near horizon of an opportunity to move forward on this path of development .

A client had raised two children to high school age, and was realizing that they required far less of her attention and time than they had as younger children. Her husband was doing very well in life, and the family could afford household help, so that our client was far less busy on the home front as she had been. She was feeling slightly superfluous and wanted to know how to proceed with her life. The appearance of the Page of Wands alerted her to an opportunity for a new sense of direction in her life. She was likely to enjoy considerable personal growth, and experience substantial success and fulfillment through any kind of creative endeavor. Learning and practicing an art would be an example of this kind of endeavor; as would the development of a business that expresses a personal interest or commitment; or, the exploration of the world to learn more about people and places; or the exploration of the inner soul through a particular form of spiritual discovery and discipline.


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