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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Page of Pentacles

In the image of The Page of Pentacles, the path forward in life will involve productive enterprise and work, worldly undertakings leading to increased material prosperity and security, and any kind of success that entails significant increases in one's social status. It will help you to exercise practical foresight, to be trustworthy and reliable, to use common sense and be diligent. The Page of Pentacles signals the appearance on the near horizon of an opportunity to move forward on this path of development.

After enjoying considerable success employed as a technology expert for a large company, one of our clients wondered about his prospects were he to strike out on his own as an independent consultant in his particular area of expertise. Taking this direction would mean an immediate decrease of income, entailed certain material risks and the probability of being forced to move into a less expensive house at least during an initial period of readjustment. The appearance of the Page of Pentacles informed him that such a move would in the long run give him an opportunity to enjoy a greater reward for his talents. He was likely to have considerable success if he cultivated a humble willingness to work very hard, and to work his way up through successive stages of development that only gradually built up the foundations of his position in the business community. It was reasonable for him to expect a rich reward for his investment of time and money over an extended period of time. The Page of Pentacles promised him prosperity and success ultimately.


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