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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Knight of Swords

The "knights" of the Tarot Oracle are traditionally associated with young men (and now, in a more modern perspective, with men and women), and with all those traits typical of a healthy and optimistic youth. The Knight of Swords is described as bravely bold and direct (but sometimes insensitive and inconsiderate); highly intelligent, logical, and perceptive (but also overly opinionated and unfriendly to subtlety and nuance); commanding and authoritative (but also too domineering and demanding of others); fastidious and correct (but tending too much to cold self-justification and a lack of compassion). The appearance of the image of The Knight of Swords portends progress as one moves forward in the pursuit of justice or some other great cause; in the resolution of problems and puzzles; on a path of leadership and management; and in the service of any project of personal advancement and betterment.

A young woman asked us about her prospects for success at a prestigious law school to which she had just been admitted. She could not possibly have received a more optimistic judgment from the Tarot Oracle than was disclosed in our Reading through the appearance of the image of The Knight of Swords. This image declared in no uncertain terms that she had not only the intelligence that would be required, but that she had all of the strength and stamina that she needed in order to do very well in this intensely competitive endeavor. She is, in fact, doing very well, and also enjoying herself immensely in her third year of studies.


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