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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Knight of Pentacles

The "knights" of the Tarot Oracle are traditionally associated with young men (and now, in a more modern perspective, with men and women), and with all those traits typical of a healthy and optimistic youth. The Knight of Pentacles is described as realistic and practical (but sometimes unimaginative, too prosaic, and pessimistic about life); hard-working and a good salesman or businessman (but also tending to excessively materialistic goals, and not well-rounded with respect to cultural interests); very methodical and thorough in approaching any project or problem (but too often stubborn, obsessive, and narrow-minded); strong and unwavering (but also lacking in compassion, inflexible, and inconsiderate of weakness in others). The appearance of the image of The Knight of Pentacles portends progress as one moves forward with the investment of time, effort, and money, especially in work or business ventures; with productive enterprise and organizational projects of all kinds; with constructive undertakings, and the purchase or repair and refurbishment of property.

One of our clients had enjoyed substantial rewards in the stock market boom of the late-1990s, but he was getting increasingly nervous about the "irrational exuberance" that the redoubtable Alan Greenspan had said was becoming all too evident in the securities markets. He asked about our sense of his prospects should he shift the bulk of his assets into real estate. We are, of course, not qualified to offer advice in specific matters of financial planning or investment, but we agreed to do a Reading that reflected on our client's own acumen and perceptiveness with respect to the course of action that he was contemplating. The appearance of the image of The Knight of Pentacles was the strongest possible confirmation of his own good sense and foresight in the matter at hand. It promised success and continued progress along the path that he was proposing. Fortunately, he was able to get out of the securities markets just in time, at the top. His investments in real estate proved very sensible and have been rewarding thus far.


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