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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Five of Swords

The image of Five Swords describes conquest. As such, it involves the usages of power in a hostile environment, the emergence of conflict, and the win-lose mentality that this entails. There are certain dangers that are revealed in its overall expression: for example, the errors of morality that arise when ends are taken to justify means, or the loss of personal integrity that is so often a concomitant of war when people become mere cogs in a faceless army. Then, there is the possibility that victory will prove illusory, as when violence only breeds more violence. Still, the competitive struggle for existence between people and all the other creatures of the world seems to be built into the structure of things. Battle has its constructive aspect, and sometimes a healthy result. Within the blood stream, for example, there is a constant battle between our white blood cells and the foreign bodies that invade it from outside. Yet this battle, when restrained within limits, manifests at a higher level in the harmonious functioning of the entire organism.

A businessman client asked for an overview of his company's prospects in the highly competitive market that was developing in his primary field of enterprise. We drew a variety of images for his Reading that reflected on the superior quality of his product, and the excellence of his marketing strategy. And when we drew the image of Five Swords, we could see that his company would ultimately win out against the competition and obtain a dominating position in the market. As it turned out, most of the other companies actually abandoned the field after a relatively short period of time, leaving our client's company almost without significant competitors.

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