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Who Was Seeven?

During the 1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are given physical reality and presence in the voice and expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them directly through his or her own mind and body. In a series of meetings with clients and other interested persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a public service by The Psychic Internet.

Boundaries - 2

Seven, can you explain the spiritual connection between Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha. Are they the same entity? . . .or have they been the same entity coming back in different periods of time?

When energies evolve to a dimension far beyond even my perception they become more united. This becoming more united creates, on the earth plane, the image of identical twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc., of greatly evolved Beings. This is your fate, Dear Ones, from your perspective: to evolve so multidimensionally that you join and become one with all the greatly evolved souls that have evolved at a similar rate. This is a most extraordinary union, for here you become that which you are without doubt. When you mention these greats in your history, they became all that they were without doubt.

Now, you may add this truism to those that go like "fish and visitors smell in three days," if my dear friend, Benjamin, does not mind my borrowing his witticism. Now that everyone is thoroughly confused, we may continue.

That was Benjamin Franklin, am I correct?

You may go to the head of the class.

How do you word your answers?

Answers that are broadcast, so to speak, from on-physical dimensions of mind reflect and convey four-dimensionality. All responses from me and from your higher branch offices are multidimensional. You can read the response four-square times and perceive that many levels of meaning. This is the intention: reading the response each morning for sixteen days will bring to you that many meanings.

You may breathe. We have talked at length about breathing and here you deny yourself. Give yourselves the greatest gift you can: breathe, and you will energize yourselves better than with any other method, even what you call mediation. Make it simpler: breathe. Have meditation groups and on the first meeting say "breathe" and walk out. Make sure everyone is ten weeks pre-paid.

Short-term profit, I suppose.

Simple living. I know. (Next Page)

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