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Who Was Seeven?

During the 1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are given physical reality and presence in the voice and expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them directly through his or her own mind and body. In a series of meetings with clients and other interested persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a public service by The Psychic Internet.

Becoming a Healer

How is being a healing channel acquired?

By focusing your conscious mind on a truth. That truth being that you can synchronize your total Self with the Universe. Then you become a transmitter of healing energy. You conduct, as it were, the healing electricity to the other being. You go from plastic to gold when you become a healer. Gold conducts, plastic does not. Gold is natural. Plastic is not. It is a product of human engineering. Natural simply means a product of the universe rather than a product of man which is a less direct route of creation.

Explain when we are helped by Greater Self vs. when we are helped by guides.

The time difference if this is what you wish is virtually impossible to ascertain. You are helped by concerned focused energies. What they are called is irrelevant. As I have indicated previously, one of beings greatest false idols is naming. Even I had to have a name for you to communicate with me. Thus Seeven became the most appropriate composite of who and what I am.

How can we recognize help from guides or Higher Self.

The feeling of knowing a direction to take is contact; the understanding of a truth is contact; love practiced is contact; joy experienced is contact; humor relished is a contact. You are out of contact when you are out of synchronization, when you try too hard and you grimly drag your physical, mental, emotional selves along the pathway and take life seriously.; you are out of contact.

How does our imagination come into play in the building of our environment?

It does totally. Your environment is a product of your creative imagination directly. All realities are created through creative imagination. My Being will have much more to say on this issue in a conference that he will deliver, that I will present to him on creative imagination. It is much too broad a topic for discussion in your time limits beyond what I have already said.

Can you talk about Soulmates?

A Soulmate is a fellow traveler. The involvement with whom is intense. This is a mutual working out of material. A cooperative discovery, of sorts. (Next Page)

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