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Who Was Seeven?

During the 1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are given physical reality and presence in the voice and expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them directly through his or her own mind and body. In a series of meetings with clients and other interested persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a public service by The Psychic Internet.


This is a most interesting group. The energies are quite settled for such a diverse membership. A great settling in many of you has occurred in this conference - this communication - that began this day by your waking-sleeping awareness. Do you have concerns that you would care to express so that all may benefit from you questioning?

JUDY: Seeven, H. asked you to present the idea of the concept of channeling, which we need to talk about.

SEVEN: Channeling is a synonym for living and for consciousness. Channeling is a natural process that occurs at every level of creation. It is the passageway of Truth. It allows for spokesmen to light your way. It builds cities; it writes poetry; it discovers electricity. The channeling process is unrelentingly creative. It is inspirational and clear. There is no ambiguity whatsoever with a clearly perceived message. If you compare all the Truths that have been channeled with all the rest that has been merely spoken you find a crystal bell ringing in the midst of war. To channel Truth, a Being must link its energy to the cosmic field. This connection is a clear channel for Truth. Channeling is the cosmic connection. When this connection is securely made, the Being need only surrender concern for physical survival and Truth will prevail. Your biological concern for survival is, of course, the great reason that you continue to exist when you have created enough poison to destroy any less stubborn survival effort. You have destroyed your air; you have blighted your water; you have built upon a quicksand foundation, and yet you still prevail. Do not condemn your survival self so quickly because it has gotten you this far. Other civilizations in your galaxy have not been so fortunate. They created only a fraction of your toxin-filled existence and they succumbed.

Those Beings who seem to walk in a state of complete unconsciousness are, in fact, helping to increase the survival probability for the citizenry of this planet. Because they are so primitive in their survival techniques, they contribute to the survival of the planet. Those Beings who have excelled beyond the chromosomic existence, the genetic survival self, discourage the continuation of life as you know it. This eventually, of course, will come to pass, but it must not occur too rapidly by your perception standards. It must evolve so that you are ready for it. Be grateful to those beggars, those thieves, those murderers, those molesters, those merciless inflictors of pain, for they check the progress of the planet. You see, Dear Ones, how deceptive appearances can be? (Next Page)

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