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Who Was Seeven?

During the 1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are given physical reality and presence in the voice and expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them directly through his or her own mind and body. In a series of meetings with clients and other interested persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a public service by The Psychic Internet.


My Dear Ones, I am pleased to be again with you two very special souls. Despite your mode in this experience of skepticism you certainly are inviting to the Spirits. Perhaps you have concerns in you life experiences at this time frame that you would like to present for objective consideration. You may ask if you wish.

My Dear Ones, you need not be intimidated by the awesomeness of this kind of communication. You have many issues flowing through your minds each day, and yet when asked to present one, you develop stage fright. You must realize that when you question you learn. The basis of all learning is the questioning capability that man possesses. The questioning capability operates in all experiences of Life. A child questions and receives human answers or questions and receives experiential answers or questions and hears the Universe reply. All growth is based upon the questioning capability. Many beings slow their progress by answering rather than questioning. Worry is nothing more than uninterrupted [mental] answering. Answering confuses and diffuses energies that can be directed in productive ways beginning with the process.

Why would I be hesitant to ask questions?

My Dear One, you have in this experience asked many questions and therefore have progressed admirably. Questions asked outwardly, however, are difficult for you because of your ill-defined self concept of your Self-hood. You, Dear Ones, contribute more to the advancement of other beings than most other beings. You have asked many questions of the Universe and many questions of your Self, but you have asked few questions of other beings, because of your reluctance to express your needs. Do you see, Dear One, how accurate this awareness is?

What does it stem from?

All stems from trees. The seeds of your inner discontent were planted in your view of your childhood. You felt that you could not compete with other beings because of this basic anxiety about Self. This basic anxiety has created stress with other beings and you have doubted your capabilities along this line.. . .Is this clear, Dear One?


You must allow you Self to be more conscious in all your intellectual endeavors. You have, of course, felt most inadequate in intellectual matters when this, of course, was an illusion. You may trust your intellect as much as you are now trusting your nonphysical guidance. The aspect of manifestation never really discussed in your groupings concerns this matter of questioning. Questioning is the incipient stage of manifestation. To question is to focus and this concentrated focus is more productive than the fragmented energy of answers. To question is to know need and then propelling this need into the Universe. You, Dear One, who most of all have questioned, most recently, in particular, and have begun a most profitable chain of manifestation. If you consider this point intellectually, Dear One, you will see that your questioning began in earnest quite recently. You have always been a questioner, however: hence your rapid advancement into increasing desire for awareness. (Next Page)

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