Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How long have you been on the Internet?
A. We celebrated 5 years on the web on March 1 of 1999.

Q. Are you listed with search engines that point to your site?
A. The New-Age Directory is registered with more than 500 search engines, including the 50 largest, and appears in 30+ languages.

Q. Why is it important for me to be listed in a specialized directory?
A. According to Nielsen Media Research, as of February, 1999, American households are coming on line at the rate of 6,600,000 per year, which amounts to 550,000 per month, or 18,000 per day or 760 per hour! Since search engines find The New-Age Directory under numerous meta names, your site will have greater exposure than it would otherwise.

Q. Is the submissions form secure?
A. Yes. We have a certificate of security (SSL) from Thawte.

Q. If I want to place my page on several of your pages, how do I do that?
A. At the present time, you will need to fill in the Submissions Form for each one.

Q. How reliable is your server so that people on the net can actually get to my listing?
A. We have not known our server to be down for more than a couple of minutes in the 5+ years we have been with them.

Q. How many visitors do you get per day?
A. We do not use cookies to keep track of individuals and our server does not provide information on unique hits; however, we do average tens of thousands of hits per month, and that number has increased nearly every month since March of 1994.

Q. I just received an email saying that my site was taken down because I did not respond to previous emails. What gives?
A. We send two emails when a site listing is about to expire. The first is about two weeks before expiration, and the second, if we do not hear from you, the day we remove your site. If you never received the first email, we can attribute the failure to the vagaries of the Internet. No harm is done. Just go to the submissions page and fill out the form for a NEW listing at

Q. I have never paid for my listing before. Can I still get a free listing?
A. Yes, on the FreeForAll Page. If you wish to have your listing categorized by topic, or receive confirmational emails, you would not list on that page. Use the regular paid site method. With all the awards and recognition we have received, we think the small donation is a small price to pay, literally. For just 3¢ per day, you can potentially reach 18,000+ people per month (and growing all the time). We also find that when people are required to share the costs (even just $10), sites are more likely to work and not become deadwood days or weeks after submission. We had a problem with deadwood when all listings were free. The Directory as it is today takes approximately 36 hours per week to maintain, requiring the time and energy of several devoted people. The members of the Board of Directors volunteer their time to approve of sites that are submitted.

Q. What is the correct address for mailing checks?
A. WholeARTS, POB 2963, Stateline, NV 89449. The checks should be made out to The New-Age Directory.

Q. What is the advantage of paying when I can get the listing for free?
A. Paid Listings are confirmed personally by us within 48 hours of your submitting them. Paid Listings receive a confirmation email when the site is posted. Paid Listings are categorized on a specific topic page in alphabetical order.

Q. Are donations tax-deductible?
A. If you have a web site and you itemize your IRS deductions, then donations may be claimed as advertising or some other category. Consult your tax person.

Q. How long does it take for my site to get listed?
A. A week or less, depending on weather conditions, whether server is working or not, volume of submissions, whether or not we are away, etc.

Q. How long is my listing good for?
A. 6 months. You will be sent a renewal notice by email when your listing is due for renewal.

Q. How will I know if my site is listed?
A. We send an email if your site has been accepted by the Board. This indicates that your site will be listed.

Q. My MasterCard bill showed a charge to WholeArts; is this you?
A. No, not exactly. We are listed on the WholeARTS site and they do our credit card processing for us, so that is how all payments and donations to The New-Age Directory will be listed on your card bills.

Q. I signed up for my site to be listed under Arts and it was listed in Astrology. Is this an error?
A. We will check it, but usually, this discrepancy occurs when we think that the listing would be more appropriate and get better exposure on a different page.

Q. I think that witchcraft would be a good category. Are you planning on having it?
A. Not at the present time, since we do not have enough entries for that category. For now, such a listing would be placed in Miscellaneous. We are always reviewing the possibility of addition new categories. Let us know if there is one you would like.

Q. We would like to advertise on the main Newage page. Is this possible?
A. Yes, we do now accept advertising on The New-Age Directory main page or home page. However we do not accept advertising for sexually explicit material anywhere in The New-Age Directory. It is not that we support censorship on the Internet, The New-Age Directory is devoted to New-Age topics, and we are very broad-minded in our definition of 'new-age.'

Q. I recently read a magazine article and a newspaper report in which you were mentioned very favorably and that you were the largest and oldest Newage directory on the Internet. Is this true?
A. Thank you for noticing and yes this is true.

Q. If I want to use my mother's charge card for a donation, can I?
A. If your mother signs the donation sent by fax or sends a note with her signature and phone number with area, country code, by fax to 801-409-6790.

Q. I sent in a listing for my business several weeks ago and have not heard anything.
A. Either we never received it and you need to contact us at [email protected] OR your site was not new-age or metaphysics related so we were not able to accept it. You did not receive an email indicating approval by the Board.

Q. We submitted our listing more than a month ago and it is still not up. What gives?
A. See the answer above.

Q. We would like to place a banner on the Health page, but there is already one there. Would you accept two?
A. If your site is newage or metaphysics related, yes. We allow a maximum of four banners per page, and an unlimited number of sponsors.

Q. What are the size specifications for banners?
A. For the home page (main page), the size cannot exceed 150 (width) x100. On all the other pages, you can choose between the square type with the same size limitation as on the home page (150x100) or the long and narrow type with a limitation of 450 (width) x50.

Q. I sent you a check two weeks ago and still have not heard anything?
A. If you sent a check in U.S. $ funds from outside the U.S., this is understandable since it would take more time. If your check was mailed on the East Coast, realize that mail to Heavenly Valley (near Lake Tahoe, Nevada) takes anywhere from 7 to 14 days. There is no mail delivery here at the top of the mountain. We fetch the mail from the postoffice several times a week. Also there is no mail delivery to this area at all on Saturdays. Even mail from as close as Sacramento California (100 miles) can take 7 days or more). This may explain the delay. Email us if your page is still not listed in another week. This is assuming, of course, that you received an email indicating acceptance of your site.

Q. What if I send a check and submit my site and you do not approve it?
A. Your check will be returned to you as soon as it is received.

Q. What if I change my mind about how I listed my site and I have paid by credit card?
A. If you wish to move your listing to a higher level, we will accept additional payment for the move and extend your contract, no matter how you pay. If you simply wish to change the category of your page, just let us know: [email protected].

Q. What if I change my mind about listing my site and I want it removed?
A. You may have your listing removed at any time. Just let us know by email [email protected]. However, no refunds are possible, no matter what the reason after your site is posted. We state this clearly on the submissions form. Your submissions form, which we keep on file, is all the proof credit card companies require for charges.

Please remember that maintaining the New-Age Directory is a very time-consuming process involving several people. We depend on donations to keep the Directory available to the millions of Web browsers who are seeking New Age resources. We are listed with all search engines, have won numerous awards, and have been mentioned very favorably in several magazines.

| Back to Submissions Form | |Questions: [email protected]|