
Voices of Healing

Rev. LeRoy Zemke

Temple of the Living God

St. Petersburg, Florida 33713

That night, God appeared to Solomon and said to him, 'Ask for whatever you want me to give to you.' Solomon answered, 'Now Lord God ... give me wisdom and knowledge so I can lead these people in the right way..."

Chronicles 1:7,9-10

"All the cosmic patterns, the secrets of the Universe are embedded in our muscles and bones and cells, in ... the context of the self"

George Leonard

In our Western Society, alternative therapies, new and different modalities, and numerous singular approaches abound to the way we can look at, think about and approach the subject of healing. It is a moot question a to which system or mode is best for any two people for the same or similar ailment.

For instance, if you personally experience discomfort in your back, neck or shoulders, feet or legs...what are your options? Do you (a) see an M.D.? (b) visit a chiropractor? (c) have a session with an acupuncturist or reflexologist? (d) resort to homeopathy or flower essences? (e) make an appointment with a psychotherapist? (f) consult with a psychic to determine cause and treatment? (g) contact your minister, spiritual teacher or guru and ask for spiritual mind treatment; (h) pray about it; (i) meditate about it; (j) visit your health food store and ask about appropriate foods, vitamins, or herbs? (k) have a massage; (l) go on a fast and do serious physical cleansing to eliminate-bodily toxins? (m) ignore the symptoms untiI they either �go away' or get worse; (n) try past life regression therapy; (o) change your dietary construct; or (p) relocate - i.e., move to a new apartment, or new area of the city, or another state? And while this is only an abbreviated listing of the many viable alternative health avenues available toward wholeness, I will reference the value of study and discernment later herein as we make our individual approach.

If you have ever been in a health related dilemma, then you know that it can be enormously confusing to even begin to know where to start, let alone determine which modality of system of healing to pursue.

The inherent message of healing is about recovering our inner wholeness. Recovery is discovery. lt�s a journey, not a destination. The voices of healing are many, varied, and all have value. But our work, I believe, is to appropriately sort and clarify what we need and what we really can implement in our personal arena.

In an awakening state of awareness, I believe that each of us is called to begin to take some personal responsibility for our individual choices of the any voices of healing. I suggest a straight forward approach to any and all of the "opportunities" that may stretch before us and we may need to consider an avenue of health related involvement (care., treatment) in our personal lives.

(I). Get "Right with God.� First things first! Our connection to and our relationship with the Eternal Source of All Life is and should be our primary consideration. Getting �right" with God suggests that we need to place our faith and trust in the Divine to guide, lead and direct our choices and decisions. We need to put our trust in the Absolute to "reveal" to us which avenue or modus is for the best or highest good in our personal situations or conditions.

Getting right with God means practicing our spiritual disciplines, such as prayer or meditation, to seek God�s help or assistance in any issue or question before us. After we have asked for God's help, we can proceed to the next step. Maybe God says "Wait.� Perhaps God says "Visit your herbalist or massage therapist." Or it seems to us, that God is silent and says nothing. We have sincerely and penitently asked for guidance and no real, direct " answer� is forthcoming. What do we do? If we cannot recognize the answer or we feel confused about the answer, then I suggest that we should resort to the help of a trusted friend, teacher or therapist who may enable us to sort out our confusion and shed some light on our lack of clairty. When that is accomplished, give thanks to God for the �answer" - the help, assistance, direction offered.

(II). Proceed cautiously, but with conviction. For example, it may have been indicated that our approach to healing should include both dietary changes and a muscle therapy. Gather information. Read. Study. Get data that is clear, precise and tried and proven. Evaluate it for your needs. Then and then only, act upon it. Take the plunge. However, somewhat like learning to swim. "Wade slowly into the water" first. Get adjusted to the temperature and the feel of the water as opposed to dry land and moving your body through air. You're in a new (different) element. Approach it with care, consistency and diligence.

If we need to be more mindful of our diet because what we eat tends to disagree with us (makes us uncomfortable or ill), we may need to look at our attitudes. Do we eat when we're nervous? irritated? feel alone? upset or distress over some condition or circumstance we cannot accept of control?

The answers will provide clues to our condition.

It may also be that our body is telling us to "lay off meat" for a while. If so, what kind of meat? Red meat? Fowl? Fish? How often should we be able to partake? 0nce a day? Once a week? Twice? Once a month? Or are we to eliminate it permanently?

Our work is to pay attention to the signals our body is giving us. Learning to interpret all of the clues will require some astute attention to details and some record keeping observing our dietary patterns. It is a journey of discovery. Taking personal responsibility on the journey is our task ... and can be, mastered.

Finally, whether it is a health concern or some other issue, the voices of healing which offer us so many options must, of necessity, be approached with care, sensitivity and reason. Life, in a larger sense, is always offering options or choices. It is for us to make the best choice, the wisest option, the most intelligent selection of all that is offered at any given moment.

Then we must learn how to use, how to implement our options.

For instance, if we were to purchase a grand piano, not only for its beauty and tonal qualities but because we hoped to be able to compose symphonies or sonnets, we will never achieve our desire unless we take many lessons and practice faithfully. And, indeed, eventually we may he able to create a sonata, a rhapsody, or even a symphony after years of endeavor.

Life calls to us to involved in our process, our unique journey. Life invites us to discover how to take from each offering it brings and learn what is to learned. This journey of ours requires from us our deepest skills, a willingness to Iearn from "mistakes" and thereby discover that which is, of necessity, really for our highest and best good. When God is invited into our journey, when we can get a sense that we are responding to His/Her guidance and prompting in the silence of prayer or meditation, etc., then we can proceed ... one step at a time into each day ... and in that process come to honor our singular relationship with Life.

This selection is provided as a courtesy to interested parties. Neither WholeARTS tm nor The New-Age Directory tm is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

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