
Bring Spirit into Work Relationships

by Rev. Leroy Zemke

"Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. I will do what I have promised and obey your fair laws."

Psalm 119: 105,106 Everyday Bible (New Century Version)

"Do not scrupulously confine yourself to fixed rules or particular forms of devotion, but act with faith in God, with love or humility."

Brother Lawrance (17th Century) The Practice of the Presence of God.

If it is true that we are, at the very core of our beingness, spiritual entities (and I believe we are), why are we sometimes unable to really bring spirit into our work/relationships more consciously? The question is a serious one for truth students, teachers and those who are attempting to awaken to the pulse or the rhythm of life in a more conscientious and consistent way. I am going to propose several ideas and suggestions regarding how we might accomplish this objective within the framework of our day-to-day, week-to week ongoing journey.

(1)IDENTIFY WITH SPIRIT or God each day in some simple, undemanding way. That is, be alert to your surroundings and find something in the flow of your day that calls to you, that invites your attention or consideration. For example, a fragrant flower whose beauty and essence is pleasurable and uplifting; a man or woman whom you encounter who reminds you of someone you love or feel close to ; perhaps a lively little animal whose life force engages you; or it could be a picture or painting...or the sound of a child�s laughter that �touches� you in a very personal manner.

Any/all of these are instances of when you might be called by Spirit to pause. To be silent. To breathe deeply of the moment of at-one-ment. Therefore, pause! Receive the gift! When this occurs you give space to allow God�s Presence...through each of the examples above and/or hundreds of similar instances...and establish a connection to Spirit. We actually can �feel into� or tap something of Spirit in these moments. It�s not the same as a focused prayer, or mindfulness as practiced by the Zen Buddhists, or meditation, or the very special uses of music or chanting, all of which are purposeful to deepening ones relationship with/to God/Spirit. In lieu of the time we need or desire to pray or meditate, these simple, undemanding experiences can bring us closer to God�s Presence in gently, daily way wherever we are.

(2) AT WORK OR IN OUR RELATIONSHIPS with others (in varying forms and varieties of), we must actively seek for ways that enable us to be open to �The Spirit�. Recognize that your fellow human sojourners are children of the most Holy God, the same as yourself. However, they may not share your personal or spiritual views or values. They may not like your taste (preference, choice) or touch (decorative skill). They may deliberately harass or seek to annoy you because they come from a place of very different needs or issues or compulsions that drive or motivate them as individuals.

On the other hand, we are not called upon, necessarily to �like� everyone in the sphere of our lives. We are called upon, the sages say, to love them unconditionally as brothers and sisters of the Most High. And to love them means that we each must learn how to accept them. We must not judge them for being different from us. However long it takes us, we must come to learn how to see their underlying spiritual nature and not just their personalities, their egos, their projected wishes, wants or very human needs.

Eventually, we must come to a place of inner peace and alignment with the God within that we can silently say, �I accept the God Presence in you.� That statement (affirmation) invites us to remain open, non-judgmentally to another person, to �see� and be available to something beyond their/or our pettiness or their perceived �strange behavior�. If the behavior of another or others is offensive to us, we must learn to do what we can to make our peace with ourselves about it, we must learn to seek resolution in positive, useful, constructive ways and, to the best of our ability, get on with our life, our work , the experience.

For example; If a fellow worker�s, neighbors, or friend�s behavior is perceived by you to be overtly and inappropriately aggressive, abusive, hurtful, offensive, and generally unacceptable personally as well as socially or otherwise, do the following: (a) gently but firmly and without anger, malice or intent to be retributive speak up and ask for your need for cooperation and compassion. Ask clearly and as often as it is needed. Be willing to rephrase or relanguage your request. Remain peaceful and calm.

As much as possible, be patient and non-reactive, non-judgmental. (b) If none of the above suggestions bring resolution to the problem/situation, it may then be necessary to make a decision to get professional help. Continue to see the other person or persons as children of God, even though they may not be behaving in a manner that is appropriate to your physical, emotional, mental or psychological needs or standards. Then, to the best of your ability, get on with your life.

It is then that we are directed to more fulfilling and purposeful relationships with others and creative right actions which will result in progressive an positive changes, awakenings, unfoldments of higher good.

As we gently invite Spirit into our work and our relationships from a place of seeing this as another option in our lives, we will become more loving, more accepting, more allowing of Its influence in our daily journey upon the road of life.

The more we realize that seeing is the issue of life,
the more interested we are in seeing.
The more interested we are in seeing,
the more we look at everything for what it has to teach us.
The more we look at everything for what it has to teach us,
the more we see that we are being taught,
The more we see that we are being taught,
the more we know that we are love.
The more we know that we are loved,
the more we see love.
The more we see love,
the more lovingly we are seeing.
The more lovingly we are being,
the more we realize that seeing is the issue in life.

Son of Seeing Being

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