
Angels in a Harsh World

by Don Bradley

reviewed by Dane Sorrenson


Newly released by Heart Strings Press, an imprint of Native Planet Publishing, is Angels in a Harsh World by Don Bradley.

This interesting, easy-to-read metaphysical novel is set in colonial India with all its mysticism and mysteries.

It is the story of Haley Olsten, a young woman with a yearning heart, who has been secretly watched over and protected since birth. Haley has no idea that the next few years of her life will determine the outcome of humanity's struggle with tyranny. Traveling to India on a whim, she meets the man of her dreams, as well as a Teacher who helps her find the angel within herself. Tested in temples, battlefields, and in the parlors of the wealthy and powerful, Haley reveals a path for modern women to find themselves.

'You are here because you found that which is the highest within you,' he continued solenmly, as if speaking to someplace within her. 'Whenever a soul discovers the jewel within the center, they step upon the way.' Haley was transfixed. Each utterance was music, sweet and fuII, to her ears. She could feel something inside her warm with each word he said. 'Tell me more...please, about this way.'

Annels in a Harsh World is a beautiful story of one woman's victory over denial, slavery, and the dark side of the life force. Facing terrible odds in a pre-World War II India, Haley learns the value of listening to her heart and heeding its advice.

This is a book that has a universal appeal and would be especially pleasing to students of metaphysics.

"As with his other books, Don Bradley fills the pages of this enchanting story with the highest esoteric spiritual wisdom. Written for those who desire to learn about and tread the path of the spiritual disciple."

Bradley's books are distributed through the following: Baker & Taylor (800) 775-1800 a New leaf Distributing (800) 326-2665 · DeVorss & Co. (800) 331-4719 · Bookpeople (800) 999-4650 · Moving Books, Inc. (800) 777-6683 a Quality Books (800) 323-4241

Don Bradley is a Mason, Rosicrucian, author, columnist, classical musician, a credentialed teacher, network engineer and has degrees in Communications, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Religion, and Business.

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